More like Wear it as it proved in last night's (my morning) Project Runway which I wanted to live blog as I was watching a couple of hours ago but no capability here. Yes, Newspapers (a dying industry - just kidding) was the challenge for the episode. The designers went to the Los Angeles Times building and got stacks and stacks of paper to create a fashion forward outfit relevant for 2009 from when it was first introduced on the runways over 40 years ago.
These are the challenges I absolutely love (something from the grocery store, car and now, newspapers). And you got to see the private catfights from two lady designers: Irina and Althea (who won last week's challenge). Irina felt Althea shouldn't have won the challenge because she just did a suit (I agreed but she was the only one who made three pieces to others one or two-piece and she had the BEST walker for a model who sold the outfit).
Also, Althea won immunity - she cannot be eliminated for the next (this) challenge. Then Althea is also gossiping about how Irina's paper coat looks weird (Meow). More on those two later because the judges chose theirs as two of the three best outfits.
Another lesson learned from last night's Runway: THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS. In modern day speak: Thou shall not lie. Such was the memo sent to Johnny, though it came too late. You don't lie and how many times do these designers have to get it in their freaking heads: LISTEN TO TIM GUNN! There's a reason he's spent over 30 years in the fashion industry. Johnny flat out lied for why his paper colorful-faces dress was sub-par that a steam iron destroyed his first outfit. The guy was solving a cross-word puzzle when others were slaving over their outfits. NOT COOL!
Another memo goes to Nicholas: Don't be a legend in your own mind. Nicholas feel all the other designers there are not as talented as him. I'll give him this: He knows how to call the loser designers each week including him because he struggled really bad trying to figure out how to use paper to make an outfit. His outfit along with Johnny's and Georgina (not exact spelling but sounds like that) were the bottom three.
Now to the judges: The guest judges were Tommy Hilfiger, Eva Longoria Parker (love her) and editor of Marie (Zoe "Something"). They picked, as previously stated Irina and Althea's plus Christopher's (one of my fave designers). I didn't think Althea's should have been one of the top 3, I was floored by Louise outfit with something that looked like the "statement jewelry" in magazines attached to the dress. It just looked regal.
I would have pulled Christopher's as the winner with the bottom part of the dress looking like feathers and the top like a leather bustier (hard-paper). But I think because Irina (even though her coat was magnificent) hasn't won a challenge, she got the top prize and IMMUNITY. And Johnny, was sent packing.
Tag: Project Runway