Yes, I'm alive. I came on my blog (for now) to announce some future plans I have about restructuring my online life only to see a few vulgar comments as if this was a dumpster for such crudity. Oh don't get it twisted: Just because you see the title of this blog as "afroamericawriter" doesn't say this is not one multi-cultural global sista! So using another language to post comments, with a few keystrokes I could readily translate them to real meanings - which I won't dignify to repeat but found their fate with the "delete" button.
But to my international readers who used sincere words in their native tongue: Thank you! I truly appreciate the kind words and here I thought this was just a small service I did. And for the English as first language commenters, know you were also missed but you will "see" me soon; hint: Not on "Blogger" host but something better and with my own control . . .
Oh and note to self: the comment moderation will now be enabled. Peace.