Noticed a trend here? Fridays I crash (figuratively speaking). But literally speaking, there's a small plane
crash around my neighborhood just a few hours ago which made driving difficult (that is not a surprise in South Florida) but more difficult because of the smoky haze on the streets. My thoughts and prayers to the victims involved and the Fire Fighters who are doing the best they can at this time.
Well Happy Friday and it's been one of those weeks - extremely busy. Can I just say this? I'm so glad to be off high-heels for the weekend or the stylistic professional clothes and just kicking it in sneaks and tees. I'll peek into the office for a few hours later this evening but no one will look at me twice when I come in there in a more casual get up because I'm not supposed to be "on."
Now I understand why some folks are "shocked" when they get to know what I do for a living because I'm very comfortable being casual. I'm equally comfortable being "the fashionista" as some folks call me or the "recessionista" these days.
Speaking of being the recessionista, I showed my face in a hair salon after about 10 months three Fridays ago because this "accessory" called hair was bugging the living daylights out of me. So I needed to tame the beast. My hair stylist recommended a major hair cut instead of a trim and some heat that I wanted. After some give and take on why I needed this hair cut, I gave but told the Brother "
don't make me look like a boy." "
Mo-, you can never look like a boy."
I must say he did a great job, I wish he could show me how he used that flat iron (I'm yet to figure out that appliance). The hair was lighter and flowed even though it was much shorter. And I prefer my hair straightened. I think it fits my "edgy" persona and the hair held up in this crazy humid climate in South Florida. That is one thing I miss about living up north. When I go there for holidays, the hair rocks.
But then add stress on the job and unexpected events late last week into this week, the hair went back "curly" that when I showed up one morning into the office, one lady (black) was surprised how I could go from one extreme to the next and asked how I got my hair this way, my response:
Water. She looked surprised and I was already being pulled about some situation.
Hours later she saw me in the ladies room and asked me to be serious with her about the hair because she knew there was no way I could see a professional in less than 12 hours of being in the office the previous night. I told her I was serious, it's water and conditioner with no heat (let it air dry), and oh "shea butter" so it goes back this way. My hair shows different textures depending on the climate, product or appliance.
What is it about black women and their hair that they are constantly over worrying about this thing called hair - no wonder it's a multi-billion business. The lady looked at the hair with a kind of longing look and just said (as if she's resigned to the hair she had)"
it fits you." I laughed it off (I guess to put her at peace with hers) and told her this was my "lazy hair," I prefer it straight but it takes a lot of work.
And another thing about the curly look as my Aunt has said to me, I need to put some effort with putting on some makeup so I don't look too young in the workplace. Don't you just love family! They'll give it to you straight. Black women, find your (own) hair PEACE, I'm still working on mine but for the most part, I have a "whatever" approach to it (for the most part) . . . I just try to keep it healthy. Don't follow what the media says, a lot of those white girls have major extensions in their hair and you're breaking yours just to fit a certain image. Just do you and screw what anyone thinks of it.