I recommend you watch the full-version (about seven minutes) video on You Tube. It makes you see this unlikely candidate and the audience's cynical reaction when she came out on stage, told the Judges (including the guy you love-to-hate Simon Cowell - though I love him) that she is 47 and would like to be a great singer like Elaine Page but she came from a village.
And while they laughed at her, she didn't care. What came to this blogger's mind was a scriptural phrase of "making herself of no reputation." So what they were snickering, in her mind (and before the performance she knew) she was going to rock their world. And oh she did! And not just the thousands in front of her but millions around the world (including yours truly) days later and counting.
The look on Simon's face was priceless! You don't see Simon really shocked by most things. He was just dumb-founded. Wake-up call people and the music industry that keeps reproducing the same tired images with little to no depth (drop a hit single and they are gone). Judge the talent, and the image will take care of itself.
And though I'm not in the music industry, life will teach you that you are judged by how you look sooner or later. But perhaps, Susan Boyle could give us another lesson to give folks a second look sometimes; you may find the best stories yet untold.
Tags: Susan Boyle